Source code for py3dtiles.tileset.content.gltf

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import struct
from typing import Any, Sequence

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

[docs] class GlTF: HEADER_LENGTH = 12 CHUNK_HEADER_LENGTH = 8 def __init__(self) -> None: self.header = {} self.body = None
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: # glb scene = json.dumps(self.header, separators=(",", ":")) # body must start with 4-byte boundary scene += " " * ((4 - len(scene) % 4) % 4) length = GlTF.HEADER_LENGTH + (2 * GlTF.CHUNK_HEADER_LENGTH) length += len(self.body) + len(scene) # gltf must end with an 8-byte boundary # the padding is added inside the gltf body # body_padding = np.zeros((8 - length % 8) % 8, dtype=np.uint8) length += len(body_padding) binary_header = np.array( [0x46546C67, 2, length], dtype=np.uint32 # "glTF" magic # version ) json_chunk_header = np.array( [len(scene), 0x4E4F534A], dtype=np.uint32 # JSON chunck length ) # "JSON" bin_chunk_header = np.array( [ len(self.body) + len(body_padding), # BIN chunck length 0x004E4942, ], dtype=np.uint32, ) # "BIN" return np.concatenate( ( binary_header.view(np.uint8), json_chunk_header.view(np.uint8), np.frombuffer(scene.encode("utf-8"), dtype=np.uint8), bin_chunk_header.view(np.uint8), self.body, body_padding, ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> GlTF: gltf = GlTF() if struct.unpack("4s", array[0:4])[0] != b"glTF": raise RuntimeError("Array does not contain a binary glTF") version = struct.unpack("i", array[4:8])[0] if version != 1 and version != 2: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported glTF version") length = struct.unpack("i", array[8:12])[0] json_chunk_length = struct.unpack("i", array[12:16])[0] chunk_type = struct.unpack("i", array[16:20])[0] if chunk_type != 0 and chunk_type != 1313821514: # 1313821514 => 'JSON' raise RuntimeError("Unsupported binary glTF content type") index = ( GlTF.HEADER_LENGTH + GlTF.CHUNK_HEADER_LENGTH ) # Skip the header and the JSON chunk header header = struct.unpack( str(json_chunk_length) + "s", array[index : index + json_chunk_length] )[0] gltf.header = json.loads(header.decode("ascii")) index += ( json_chunk_length + GlTF.CHUNK_HEADER_LENGTH ) # Skip the JSON chunk data and the binary chunk header gltf.body = array[index:length] return gltf
[docs] @staticmethod def from_binary_arrays( arrays: list[dict[str, Sequence[Any]]], transform: npt.NDArray[np.float64], batched: bool = True, uri: str | None = None, texture_uri: str | None = None, ) -> GlTF: """ Parameters ---------- arrays : array of dictionaries Each dictionary has the data for one geometry arrays['position']: binary array of vertex positions arrays['normal']: binary array of vertex normals arrays['uv']: binary array of vertex texture coordinates (Not implemented yet) arrays['bbox']: geometry bounding box (numpy.array) transform : numpy.array World coordinates transformation flattend matrix Returns ------- gltf : GlTF """ gltf = GlTF() textured = "uv" in arrays[0] bin_vertices = [] bin_normals = [] bin_ids = [] bin_uvs = [] n_vertices = [] bb = [] batch_length = 0 for i, geometry in enumerate(arrays): bin_vertices.append(geometry["position"]) bin_normals.append(geometry["normal"]) n = round(len(geometry["position"]) / 12) n_vertices.append(n) bb.append(geometry["bbox"]) if batched: bin_ids.append(np.full(n, i, dtype=np.float32)) if textured: bin_uvs.append(geometry["uv"]) if batched: bin_vertices = [b"".join(bin_vertices)] bin_normals = [b"".join(bin_normals)] bin_uvs = [b"".join(bin_uvs)] bin_ids = [b"".join(bin_ids)] n_vertices = [sum(n_vertices)] batch_length = len(arrays) [minx, miny, minz] = bb[0][0] [maxx, maxy, maxz] = bb[0][1] for box in bb[1:]: minx = min(minx, box[0][0]) miny = min(miny, box[0][1]) minz = min(minz, box[0][2]) maxx = max(maxx, box[1][0]) maxy = max(maxy, box[1][1]) maxz = max(maxz, box[1][2]) bb = [[[minx, miny, minz], [maxx, maxy, maxz]]] gltf.header = compute_header( bin_vertices, n_vertices, bb, transform, textured, batched, batch_length, uri, texture_uri, ) gltf.body = np.frombuffer( compute_binary(bin_vertices, bin_normals, bin_ids, bin_uvs), dtype=np.uint8 ) return gltf
[docs] def compute_binary(bin_vertices, bin_normals, bin_ids, bin_uvs): bv = b"".join(bin_vertices) bn = b"".join(bin_normals) bid = b"".join(bin_ids) buv = b"".join(bin_uvs) return bv + bn + buv + bid
[docs] def compute_header( bin_vertices, n_vertices, bb, transform, textured, batched, batch_length, uri, texture_uri, ): # Buffer mesh_nb = len(bin_vertices) size_vce = [] for i in range(mesh_nb): size_vce.append(len(bin_vertices[i])) byte_length = 2 * sum(size_vce) if textured: byte_length += int(round(2 * sum(size_vce) / 3)) if batched: byte_length += int(round(sum(size_vce) / 3)) buffers = [{"byteLength": byte_length}] if uri is not None: buffers.append({"binary_glTF": {"uri": uri}}) # Buffer view buffer_views = [ {"buffer": 0, "byteLength": sum(size_vce), "byteOffset": 0, "target": 34962}, { "buffer": 0, "byteLength": sum(size_vce), "byteOffset": sum(size_vce), "target": 34962, }, ] # vertices if textured: buffer_views.append( { "buffer": 0, "byteLength": int(round(2 * sum(size_vce) / 3)), "byteOffset": 2 * sum(size_vce), "target": 34962, } ) if batched: buffer_views.append( { "buffer": 0, "byteLength": int(round(sum(size_vce) / 3)), "byteOffset": int(round(8 / 3 * sum(size_vce))) if textured else 2 * sum(size_vce), "target": 34962, } ) # Accessor accessors = [] for i in range(mesh_nb): # vertices accessors.append( { "bufferView": 0, "byteOffset": sum(size_vce[0:i]), "componentType": 5126, "count": n_vertices[i], "min": [bb[i][0][0], bb[i][0][1], bb[i][0][2]], "max": [bb[i][1][0], bb[i][1][1], bb[i][1][2]], "type": "VEC3", } ) # normals accessors.append( { "bufferView": 1, "byteOffset": sum(size_vce[0:i]), "componentType": 5126, "count": n_vertices[i], "max": [1, 1, 1], "min": [-1, -1, -1], "type": "VEC3", } ) if textured: accessors.append( { "bufferView": 2, "byteOffset": int(round(2 / 3 * sum(size_vce[0:i]))), "componentType": 5126, "count": sum(n_vertices), "max": [1, 1], "min": [0, 0], "type": "VEC2", } ) if batched: accessors.append( { "bufferView": 3 if textured else 2, "byteOffset": 0, "componentType": 5126, "count": n_vertices[0], "max": [batch_length], "min": [0], "type": "SCALAR", } ) # Meshes meshes = [] n_attributes = 3 if textured else 2 for i in range(mesh_nb): meshes.append( { "primitives": [ { "attributes": { "POSITION": n_attributes * i, "NORMAL": n_attributes * i + 1, }, "material": 0, "mode": 4, } ] } ) if textured: meshes[i]["primitives"][0]["attributes"]["TEXCOORD_0"] = ( n_attributes * i + 2 ) if batched: meshes[0]["primitives"][0]["attributes"]["_BATCHID"] = n_attributes # Nodes nodes = [] for i in range(mesh_nb): nodes.append({"matrix": [float(e) for e in transform], "mesh": i}) # Materials materials = [ { "pbrMetallicRoughness": {"metallicFactor": 0}, "name": "Material", } ] # Final glTF header = { "asset": {"generator": "py3dtiles", "version": "2.0"}, "scene": 0, "scenes": [{"nodes": list(range(len(nodes)))}], "nodes": nodes, "meshes": meshes, "materials": materials, "accessors": accessors, "bufferViews": buffer_views, "buffers": buffers, } # Texture data if textured: header["textures"] = [{"sampler": 0, "source": 0}] header["images"] = [{"uri": texture_uri}] header["samplers"] = [ {"magFilter": 9729, "minFilter": 9987, "wrapS": 10497, "wrapT": 10497} ] header["materials"][0]["pbrMetallicRoughness"]["baseColorTexture"] = { "index": 0 } return header