Source code for py3dtiles.tileset.content.b3dm

from __future__ import annotations

import struct

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from py3dtiles.exceptions import InvalidB3dmError

from .b3dm_feature_table import B3dmFeatureTable
from .batch_table import BatchTable
from .gltf import GlTF
from .tile_content import TileContent, TileContentBody, TileContentHeader

[docs] class B3dm(TileContent): def __init__(self, header: B3dmHeader, body: B3dmBody) -> None: super().__init__() self.header: B3dmHeader = header self.body: B3dmBody = body
[docs] def sync(self) -> None: """ Allow to synchronize headers with contents. """ # extract array gltf_arr = self.body.gltf.to_array() # sync the tile header with feature table contents self.header.tile_byte_length = len(gltf_arr) + B3dmHeader.BYTE_LENGTH self.header.bt_json_byte_length = 0 self.header.bt_bin_byte_length = 0 self.header.ft_json_byte_length = 0 self.header.ft_bin_byte_length = 0 if self.body.feature_table is not None: fth_arr = self.body.feature_table.to_array() self.header.tile_byte_length += len(fth_arr) self.header.ft_json_byte_length = len(fth_arr) if self.body.batch_table is not None: bth_arr = self.body.batch_table.to_array() self.header.tile_byte_length += len(bth_arr) self.header.bt_json_byte_length = len(bth_arr)
[docs] def print_info(self) -> None: if self.header: th = self.header print("Tile Header") print("-----------") print("Magic Value: ", th.magic_value) print("Version: ", th.version) print("Tile byte length: ", th.tile_byte_length) print("Feature table json byte length: ", th.ft_json_byte_length) print("Feature table bin byte length: ", th.ft_bin_byte_length) print("Batch table json byte length: ", th.bt_json_byte_length) print("Batch table bin byte length: ", th.bt_bin_byte_length) else: print("Tile with no header") if self.body: gltf_header = self.body.gltf.header print("") print("glTF Header") print("-----------") print(gltf_header) else: print("Tile with no body")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_gltf(gltf: GlTF, batch_table: BatchTable | None = None) -> B3dm: b3dm_body = B3dmBody() b3dm_body.gltf = gltf if batch_table is not None: b3dm_body.batch_table = batch_table b3dm_header = B3dmHeader() b3dm = B3dm(b3dm_header, b3dm_body) b3dm.sync() return b3dm
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> B3dm: # build tile header h_arr = array[0 : B3dmHeader.BYTE_LENGTH] b3dm_header = B3dmHeader.from_array(h_arr) if b3dm_header.tile_byte_length != len(array): raise InvalidB3dmError( f"Invalid byte length in header, the size of array is {len(array)}, " f"the tile_byte_length for header is {b3dm_header.tile_byte_length}" ) # build tile body b_arr = array[B3dmHeader.BYTE_LENGTH : b3dm_header.tile_byte_length] b3dm_body = B3dmBody.from_array(b3dm_header, b_arr) # build tile with header and body return B3dm(b3dm_header, b3dm_body)
[docs] class B3dmHeader(TileContentHeader): BYTE_LENGTH = 28 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.magic_value = b"b3dm" self.version = 1
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: header_arr = np.frombuffer(self.magic_value, np.uint8) header_arr2 = np.array( [ self.version, self.tile_byte_length, self.ft_json_byte_length, self.ft_bin_byte_length, self.bt_json_byte_length, self.bt_bin_byte_length, ], dtype=np.uint32, ) return np.concatenate((header_arr, header_arr2.view(np.uint8)))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> B3dmHeader: h = B3dmHeader() if len(array) != B3dmHeader.BYTE_LENGTH: raise InvalidB3dmError( f"Invalid header byte length, the size of array is {len(array)}, " f"the header must have a size of {B3dmHeader.BYTE_LENGTH}" ) h.version = struct.unpack("i", array[4:8].tobytes())[0] h.tile_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[8:12].tobytes())[0] h.ft_json_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[12:16].tobytes())[0] h.ft_bin_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[16:20].tobytes())[0] h.bt_json_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[20:24].tobytes())[0] h.bt_bin_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[24:28].tobytes())[0] return h
[docs] class B3dmBody(TileContentBody): def __init__(self) -> None: self.batch_table = BatchTable() self.feature_table: B3dmFeatureTable = B3dmFeatureTable() self.gltf = GlTF()
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: if self.feature_table: feature_table = self.feature_table.to_array() else: feature_table = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8) if self.batch_table: batch_table = self.batch_table.to_array() else: batch_table = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8) # The glTF part must start and end on an 8-byte boundary return np.concatenate((feature_table, batch_table, self.gltf.to_array()))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_gltf(gltf: GlTF) -> B3dmBody: # build tile body b = B3dmBody() b.gltf = gltf return b
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(b3dm_header: B3dmHeader, array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> B3dmBody: # build feature table ft_len = b3dm_header.ft_json_byte_length + b3dm_header.ft_bin_byte_length # build batch table bt_len = b3dm_header.bt_json_byte_length + b3dm_header.bt_bin_byte_length # build glTF gltf_len = ( b3dm_header.tile_byte_length - ft_len - bt_len - B3dmHeader.BYTE_LENGTH ) gltf_arr = array[ft_len + bt_len : ft_len + bt_len + gltf_len] gltf = GlTF.from_array(gltf_arr) # build tile body with batch table b = B3dmBody() b.gltf = gltf if ft_len > 0: b.feature_table = B3dmFeatureTable.from_array(b3dm_header, array[:ft_len]) if bt_len > 0: batch_len = b.feature_table.get_batch_length() b.batch_table = BatchTable.from_array( b3dm_header, array[ft_len : ft_len + bt_len], batch_len ) return b