py3dtiles.tileset.content.batch_table module
- class py3dtiles.tileset.content.batch_table.BatchTable[source]
Only the JSON header has been implemented for now. According to the batch table documentation, the binary body is useful for storing long arrays of data (better performances)
- add_property_as_binary(property_name: str, array: ndarray[Any, dtype[int8 | uint8 | int16 | uint16 | int32 | uint32 | float32 | float64]], component_type: Literal['BYTE', 'UNSIGNED_BYTE', 'SHORT', 'UNSIGNED_SHORT', 'INT', 'UNSIGNED_INT', 'FLOAT', 'DOUBLE'], property_type: Literal['SCALAR', 'VEC2', 'VEC3', 'VEC4']) None [source]
- static from_array(tile_header: TileContentHeader, array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], batch_len: int | None = None) BatchTable [source]