Source code for py3dtiles.points.task.xyz_reader

import math
from pathlib import Path
import pickle
import struct

import numpy as np

from py3dtiles.points.utils import ResponseType

[docs] def get_metadata(path: Path, color_scale=None, fraction: int =100) -> dict: aabb = None count = 0 seek_values = [] with as f: while True: batch = 10_000 points = np.zeros((batch, 3)) offset = f.tell() for i in range(batch): line = f.readline() if not line: points = np.resize(points, (i, 3)) break points[i] = [float(s) for s in line.split(" ")][:3] if points.shape[0] == 0: break if not count % 1_000_000: seek_values += [offset] count += points.shape[0] batch_aabb = np.array([ np.min(points, axis=0), np.max(points, axis=0) ]) # Update aabb if aabb is None: aabb = batch_aabb else: aabb[0] = np.minimum(aabb[0], batch_aabb[0]) aabb[1] = np.maximum(aabb[1], batch_aabb[1]) # We need an exact point count point_count = count * fraction / 100 _1M = min(count, 1_000_000) steps = math.ceil(count / _1M) if steps != len(seek_values): raise ValueError("the size of seek_values should be equal to steps," f"currently steps = {steps} and len(seek_values) = {len(seek_values)}") portions = [ (i * _1M, min(count, (i + 1) * _1M), seek_values[i]) for i in range(steps) ] pointcloud_file_portions = [ (str(path), p) for p in portions ] return { "portions": pointcloud_file_portions, "aabb": aabb, "color_scale": color_scale, "srs_in": None, "point_count": point_count, "avg_min": aabb[0], }
[docs] def run(filename: str, offset_scale, portion, queue, transformer): """ Reads points from a xyz file Consider XYZIRGB format following FME documentation(*). If the number of features does not correspond (i.e. does not equal to 7), we do the following hypothesis: - 3 features mean XYZ - 4 features mean XYZI - 6 features mean XYZRGB (*) See: """ try: with open(filename) as f: point_count = portion[1] - portion[0] step = min(point_count, max((point_count) // 10, 100000))[2]) feature_nb = 7 for _ in range(0, point_count, step): points = np.zeros((step, feature_nb), dtype=np.float32) for j in range(0, step): line = f.readline() if not line: points = np.resize(points, (j, feature_nb)) break line_features = [float(s) for s in line.split(" ")] if len(line_features) == 3: line_features += [None] * 4 # Insert intensity and RGB elif len(line_features) == 4: line_features += [None] * 3 # Insert RGB elif len(line_features) == 6: line_features.insert(3, None) # Insert intensity points[j] = line_features x, y, z = (points[:, c] for c in [0, 1, 2]) if transformer: x, y, z = transformer.transform(x, y, z) x = (x + offset_scale[0][0]) * offset_scale[1][0] y = (y + offset_scale[0][1]) * offset_scale[1][1] z = (z + offset_scale[0][2]) * offset_scale[1][2] coords = np.vstack((x, y, z)).transpose() if offset_scale[2] is not None: # Apply transformation matrix (because the tile's transform will contain # the inverse of this matrix) coords =, offset_scale[2]) coords = np.ascontiguousarray(coords.astype(np.float32)) # Read colors: 3 last columns of the point cloud colors = points[:, -3:].astype(np.uint8) queue.send_multipart( [ ResponseType.NEW_TASK.value, b"", pickle.dumps({"xyz": coords, "rgb": colors}), struct.pack(">I", len(coords)), ], copy=False, ) queue.send_multipart([ResponseType.READ.value]) except Exception as e: print(f"Exception while reading points from xyz file {filename}") raise e