Source code for py3dtiles.batch_table

import json

import numpy as np

[docs] class BatchTable: """ Only the JSON header has been implemented for now. According to the batch table documentation, the binary body is useful for storing long arrays of data (better performances) """ def __init__(self): self.header = {}
[docs] def add_property_from_array(self, property_name, array): self.header[property_name] = array
# returns batch table as binary
[docs] def to_array(self): # convert dict to json string bt_json = json.dumps(self.header, separators=(',', ':')) # header must be 8-byte aligned (refer to batch table documentation) if len(bt_json) % 8 != 0: bt_json += ' ' * (8 - len(bt_json) % 8) # returns an array of binaries representing the batch table return np.frombuffer(bt_json.encode(), dtype=np.uint8)