Source code for py3dtiles.tileset

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

from .extendable import Extendable
from .tile import Tile

[docs] class TileSet(Extendable): def __init__(self, geometric_error=500): super().__init__() self._asset = {"version": "1.0"} self.geometric_error = geometric_error self.root_tile = Tile()
[docs] def set_transform(self, transform: List[float]) -> None: """ :param transform: a flattened transformation matrix :return: """ self.root_tile.set_transform(transform)
[docs] def add_asset_extras(self, comment: str) -> None: """ :param comment: the comment on original data, pre-processing, possible ownership to be added as asset extra. """ self._asset["extras"] = { "$schema": "", "title": "Extras", "description": comment }
[docs] def write_to_directory(self, directory: Path) -> None: """ Write (or overwrite), to the directory whose name is provided, the TileSet that is: - the tileset as a json file and - all the tiles content of the Tiles used by the Tileset. :param directory: the target directory name """ # Create the output directory target_dir = directory.expanduser() tiles_dir = target_dir / 'tiles' tiles_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Prior to writing the TileSet, the future location of the enclosed # Tile's content (set as their respective TileContent uri) must be # specified: all_tiles = self.root_tile.get_children() for index, tile in enumerate(all_tiles): tile.set_content_uri('tiles/' + f'{index}.b3dm') # Proceed with the writing of the TileSet per se: self.write_as_json(target_dir) # Terminate with the writing of the tiles content: for tile in all_tiles: tile.write_content(directory)
[docs] def write_as_json(self, directory: Path) -> None: """ Write the tileset as a JSON file. :param directory: the target directory name """ # Make sure the TileSet is aligned with its children Tiles. self.root_tile.sync_bounding_volume_with_children() tileset_path = directory / 'tileset.json' with'w') as f: f.write(self.to_json())
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ Convert to json string possibly mentioning used schemas """ dict_data = { 'root': self.root_tile.to_dict(), 'asset': self._asset, 'geometricError': self.geometric_error } if self._extensions: dict_extensions = {} for name, extension in self._extensions.items(): dict_extensions[name] = extension.to_dict() dict_data['extensions'] = dict_extensions return dict_data
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), separators=(',', ':'))