Source code for py3dtiles.tileset.content.pnts

from __future__ import annotations

import struct
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from py3dtiles.exceptions import InvalidPntsError
from py3dtiles.points import Points

from .batch_table import BatchTable
from .pnts_feature_table import (
from .tile_content import TileContent, TileContentBody, TileContentHeader

[docs] def get_color_semantic( colors: npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None, ) -> Literal[SemanticPoint.RGB, SemanticPoint.RGB565] | None: if colors is None: return None elif colors.dtype.type is np.uint8: return SemanticPoint.RGB elif colors.dtype.type is np.uint16: return SemanticPoint.RGB565 else: raise ValueError(f"dtype {colors.dtype} not supported for colors")
[docs] class Pnts(TileContent): def __init__(self, header: PntsHeader, body: PntsBody) -> None: super().__init__() self.header: PntsHeader = header self.body: PntsBody = body self.sync()
[docs] def sync(self) -> None: """ Synchronizes headers with the Pnts body. """ self.header.ft_json_byte_length = len(self.body.feature_table.header.to_array()) self.header.ft_bin_byte_length = len(self.body.feature_table.body.to_array()) self.header.bt_json_byte_length = len(self.body.batch_table.header.to_array()) self.header.bt_bin_byte_length = len(self.body.batch_table.body.to_array()) self.header.tile_byte_length = ( PntsHeader.BYTE_LENGTH + self.header.ft_json_byte_length + self.header.ft_bin_byte_length + self.header.bt_json_byte_length + self.header.bt_bin_byte_length )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_features( feature_table_header: PntsFeatureTableHeader, position_array: npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16], color_array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None = None, normal_position: npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint8] | None = None, ) -> Pnts: """ Creates a Pnts from features defined by pd_type and cd_type. """ pnts_body = PntsBody() pnts_body.feature_table = PntsFeatureTable.from_features( feature_table_header, position_array, color_array, normal_position ) pnts = Pnts(PntsHeader(), pnts_body) pnts.sync() return pnts
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> Pnts: """ Creates a Pnts from an array """ # build tile header h_arr = array[0 : PntsHeader.BYTE_LENGTH] pnts_header = PntsHeader.from_array(h_arr) if pnts_header.tile_byte_length != len(array): raise InvalidPntsError( f"Invalid byte length in header, the size of array is {len(array)}, " f"the tile_byte_length for header is {pnts_header.tile_byte_length}" ) # build tile body b_len = ( pnts_header.ft_json_byte_length + pnts_header.ft_bin_byte_length + pnts_header.bt_json_byte_length + pnts_header.bt_bin_byte_length ) b_arr = array[PntsHeader.BYTE_LENGTH : PntsHeader.BYTE_LENGTH + b_len] pnts_body = PntsBody.from_array(pnts_header, b_arr) # build the tile with header and body return Pnts(pnts_header, pnts_body)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_points( points: Points, ) -> Pnts: """ Create a pnts from data array: - positions will be included as SemanticPoint.POSITION - if rgb is not None, it will be included as SemanticPoint.RGB - all the extra_fields are included in the batch table :param positions: the positions 1D array :param colors: the colors 1D array :param extra_fields: a dict of extra arrays to include in the batch_table. The dict keys are the name of the fields, the values are 1D np arrays containing values for each field. """ positions = points.positions.ravel() count = len(positions) // 3 colors = None if points.colors is not None: colors = points.colors.ravel() if colors.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f"The 'colors' array should be flatten, got a NDArray with {colors.ndim} dimensions" ) if (len(colors) // 3) != count: raise ValueError( "The 'colors' array does not have the same number of elements as the 'position' array" ) ft = PntsFeatureTable() color_semantic = get_color_semantic(points.colors) ft.header = PntsFeatureTableHeader.from_semantic( SemanticPoint.POSITION, color_semantic, None, count, ) ft.body = PntsFeatureTableBody(positions=positions, color=colors) bt = BatchTable() for fieldname, array in points.extra_fields.items(): if array.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f"The '{fieldname}' array in 'extra_fields' should be flat, got a NDArray with {array.ndim} dimensions" ) bt.add_property_as_binary(fieldname, array, "SCALAR") body = PntsBody() body.feature_table = ft body.batch_table = bt pnts = Pnts(PntsHeader(), body) pnts.sync() return pnts
[docs] @staticmethod def from_file(tile_path: Path) -> Pnts: with"rb") as f: data = arr = np.frombuffer(data, dtype=np.uint8) return Pnts.from_array(arr)
[docs] class PntsHeader(TileContentHeader): BYTE_LENGTH = 28 def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.magic_value = b"pnts" self.version = 1
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: """ Returns the header as a numpy array. """ header_arr = np.frombuffer(self.magic_value, np.uint8) header_arr2 = np.array( [ self.version, self.tile_byte_length, self.ft_json_byte_length, self.ft_bin_byte_length, self.bt_json_byte_length, self.bt_bin_byte_length, ], dtype=np.uint32, ) return np.concatenate((header_arr, header_arr2.view(np.uint8)))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> PntsHeader: """ Create a PntsHeader from an array """ h = PntsHeader() if len(array) != PntsHeader.BYTE_LENGTH: raise InvalidPntsError( f"Invalid header byte length, the size of array is {len(array)}, " f"the header must have a size of {PntsHeader.BYTE_LENGTH}" ) h.version = struct.unpack("i", array[4:8].tobytes())[0] h.tile_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[8:12].tobytes())[0] h.ft_json_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[12:16].tobytes())[0] h.ft_bin_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[16:20].tobytes())[0] h.bt_json_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[20:24].tobytes())[0] h.bt_bin_byte_length = struct.unpack("i", array[24:28].tobytes())[0] return h
[docs] class PntsBody(TileContentBody): def __init__(self) -> None: self.feature_table: PntsFeatureTable = PntsFeatureTable() self.batch_table = BatchTable() def __str__(self) -> str: infos = { "feature_table_header": self.feature_table.header.to_json(), "points_length": self.feature_table.header.points_length, } if self.feature_table.header.points_length > 0: ( feature_position, feature_color, feature_normal, ) = self.feature_table.get_feature_at(0) infos["first_point_position"] = feature_position infos["first_point_color"] = feature_color infos["first_point_normal"] = feature_normal infos["batch_table_header"] = for f in infos[f"- first point {f}"] = self.batch_table.get_binary_property(f)[0] return "\n".join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in infos.items())
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: """ Returns the body as a numpy array. """ feature_table_array = self.feature_table.to_array() batch_table_array = self.batch_table.to_array() return np.concatenate((feature_table_array, batch_table_array))
[docs] def get_points(self, transform: npt.NDArray[np.float64] | None) -> Points: fth = self.feature_table.header xyz = self.feature_table.body.position.view(np.float32).reshape( (fth.points_length, 3) ) if fth.colors == SemanticPoint.RGB: rgb = self.feature_table.body.color if rgb is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "If fth.colors is SemanticPoint.RGB, rgb cannot be None." ) rgb = rgb.reshape((fth.points_length, 3)) else: rgb = None # data in batch table extra_fields = {} for field in self.batch_table.get_property_names(): extra_fields[field] = self.batch_table.get_binary_property(field) if transform is not None: transform = transform.reshape((4, 4), order="F") xyzw = np.hstack((xyz, np.ones((xyz.shape[0], 1), dtype=xyz.dtype))) xyz =, transform.astype(xyz.dtype))[:, :3] return Points(positions=xyz, colors=rgb, extra_fields=extra_fields)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(header: PntsHeader, array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> PntsBody: """ Creates a PntsBody from an array and the header """ # build feature table feature_table_size = header.ft_json_byte_length + header.ft_bin_byte_length feature_table_array = array[:feature_table_size] feature_table = PntsFeatureTable.from_array(header, feature_table_array) # build batch table batch_table_size = header.bt_json_byte_length + header.bt_bin_byte_length batch_table_array = array[ feature_table_size : feature_table_size + batch_table_size ] batch_table = BatchTable.from_array( header, batch_table_array, feature_table.nb_points() ) # build tile body with feature table body = PntsBody() body.feature_table = feature_table body.batch_table = batch_table return body