py3dtiles.reader.xyz_reader module

py3dtiles.reader.xyz_reader.get_metadata(path: Path, fraction: int = 100) MetadataReaderType[source] str, offset_scale: tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] | None, float | None], portion: tuple[int, ...], transformer: Transformer | None, color_scale: float | None, write_intensity: bool) Generator[tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]], ndarray[Any, dtype[uint8]], ndarray[Any, dtype[uint8]], ndarray[Any, dtype[uint8]]], None, None][source]

Reads points from a .xyz or .csv file

Consider XYZIRGB format following FME documentation(*). We do the following hypothesis and enhancements:

  • A header line defining columns in CSV style may be present, but will be ignored.

  • The separator separating the columns is automagically guessed by the reader. This is generally fail safe. It will not harm to use commonly accepted separators like space, tab, colon, semi-colon.

  • The order of columns is fixed. The reader does the following assumptions: - 3 columns mean XYZ - 4 columns mean XYZI - 6 columns mean XYZRGB - 7 columns mean XYZIRGB - 8 columns mean XYZIRGB followed by classification data. Classification data must be integers only. - all columns after the 8th column will be ignored.

NOTE: we assume RGB are 8 bits components.

(*) See: