Source code for py3dtiles.tilers.point.point_tiler

import concurrent.futures
import pickle
import struct
import time
from import Generator
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer

from py3dtiles.exceptions import (
from py3dtiles.tilers.base_tiler import Tiler
from py3dtiles.tileset.content import read_binary_tile_content
from py3dtiles.tileset.tileset import TileSet
from py3dtiles.utils import (

from .matrix_manipulation import (
from .node import Node, SharedNodeStore
from .pnts import MIN_POINT_SIZE, pnts_writer
from .point_message_type import PointManagerMessage, PointWorkerMessageType
from .point_shared_metadata import PointSharedMetadata
from .point_state import PointState
from .point_tiler_worker import PointTilerWorker

[docs] def is_ancestor(node_name: bytes, ancestor: bytes) -> bool: """ Example, the tile 22 is ancestor of 22458 Particular case, the tile 22 is ancestor of 22 """ return len(ancestor) <= len(node_name) and node_name[0 : len(ancestor)] == ancestor
[docs] def is_ancestor_in_list( node_name: bytes, ancestors: Union[list[bytes], dict[bytes, Any]] ) -> bool: return any( not ancestor or is_ancestor(node_name, ancestor) for ancestor in ancestors )
[docs] def can_pnts_be_written( node_name: bytes, finished_node: bytes, input_nodes: Union[list[bytes], dict[bytes, Any]], active_nodes: Union[list[bytes], dict[bytes, Any]], ) -> bool: return ( is_ancestor(node_name, finished_node) and not is_ancestor_in_list(node_name, active_nodes) and not is_ancestor_in_list(node_name, input_nodes) )
[docs] class PointTiler(Tiler[PointSharedMetadata, PointTilerWorker]): name = b"points" file_info: dict[str, Any] root_aabb: npt.NDArray[np.float64] root_scale: npt.NDArray[np.float32] root_spacing: float node_store: SharedNodeStore state: PointState transformer: Optional[Transformer] def __init__( self, out_folder: Path, files: Union[list[Union[str, Path]], str, Path], crs_in: Optional[CRS], force_crs_in: bool, pyproj_always_xy: bool, rgb: bool, classification: bool, intensity: bool, color_scale: Optional[float], cache_size: int, verbosity: int, ): self.out_folder = out_folder # allow str directly if only one input files = [files] if isinstance(files, (str, Path)) else files self.files = [Path(file) for file in files] self.rgb = rgb self.classification = classification self.intensity = intensity self.color_scale = color_scale self.crs_in = crs_in self.force_crs_in = force_crs_in self.pyproj_always_xy = pyproj_always_xy self.cache_size = cache_size self.verbosity = verbosity
[docs] def get_worker(self) -> PointTilerWorker: return PointTilerWorker(self.shared_metadata)
[docs] def get_tasks( self, startup: float ) -> Generator[tuple[bytes, list[bytes]], None, None]: while len(self.state.pnts_to_writing) > 0: yield self.send_pnts_to_write() yield from self.send_points_to_process(time.time() - startup) while self.state.can_add_reading_jobs(): yield self.send_file_to_read()
[docs] def initialization( self, crs_out: Optional[CRS], working_dir: Path, number_of_jobs: int, ) -> None: self.file_info = self.get_file_info(self.crs_in, self.force_crs_in) self.transformer = self.get_transformer( crs_out, always_xy=self.pyproj_always_xy ) ( self.rotation_matrix, self.original_aabb, self.avg_min, ) = self.get_rotation_matrix(crs_out, self.transformer) self.root_aabb, self.root_scale, self.root_spacing = self.get_root_aabb( self.original_aabb ) self.node_store = SharedNodeStore(working_dir) self.state = PointState(self.file_info["portions"], max(1, number_of_jobs // 2)) self.shared_metadata = PointSharedMetadata( self.transformer, self.root_aabb, self.root_spacing, self.root_scale, self.out_folder, self.rgb, self.color_scale, self.classification, self.intensity, self.verbosity, )
[docs] def get_file_info( self, crs_in: Optional[CRS], force_crs_in: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, Any]: pointcloud_file_portions = [] aabb = None total_point_count = 0 avg_min = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # read all input files headers and determine the aabb/spacing for file in self.files: extension = file.suffix if extension in READER_MAP: reader = READER_MAP[extension] else: raise ValueError( f"The file with {extension} extension can't be read, " f"the available extensions are: {READER_MAP.keys()}" ) file_info = reader.get_metadata(file) pointcloud_file_portions += file_info["portions"] if aabb is None: aabb = file_info["aabb"] else: aabb[0] = np.minimum(aabb[0], file_info["aabb"][0]) aabb[1] = np.maximum(aabb[1], file_info["aabb"][1]) file_crs_in = file_info["crs_in"] if file_crs_in is not None: if crs_in is None: crs_in = file_crs_in elif crs_in != file_crs_in and not force_crs_in: raise SrsInMixinException( "All input files should have the same srs in, currently there are a mix of" f" {crs_in} and {file_crs_in}" ) total_point_count += file_info["point_count"] avg_min += file_info["avg_min"] / len(self.files) # The fact self.files is not empty have been checked before, so this shouldn't happen # but this keeps mypy happy and also serve as "defensive programming" if aabb is None: raise RuntimeError("No aabb could be computed!") # correct aabb, so that we don't have null sized box # we add 10^-5, supposing it's reasonable for most use case make_aabb_valid(aabb) return { "portions": pointcloud_file_portions, "aabb": aabb, "crs_in": crs_in, "point_count": total_point_count, "avg_min": avg_min, }
[docs] def get_transformer( self, crs_out: Optional[CRS], always_xy: bool = False ) -> Optional[Transformer]: if crs_out: if self.file_info["crs_in"] is None: raise SrsInMissingException( "None file has a input srs specified. Should be provided." ) transformer = Transformer.from_crs( self.file_info["crs_in"], crs_out, always_xy=always_xy ) else: transformer = None return transformer
[docs] def get_rotation_matrix( self, crs_out: Optional[CRS], transformer: Optional[Transformer] ) -> tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float64] ]: avg_min: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = self.file_info["avg_min"] aabb: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = self.file_info["aabb"] rotation_matrix: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.identity(4) if crs_out is not None and transformer is not None: bl: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array( list(transformer.transform(aabb[0][0], aabb[0][1], aabb[0][2])) ) tr: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array( list(transformer.transform(aabb[1][0], aabb[1][1], aabb[1][2])) ) br: npt.NDArray[np.float64] = np.array( list(transformer.transform(aabb[1][0], aabb[0][1], aabb[0][2])) ) avg_min = np.array( list(transformer.transform(avg_min[0], avg_min[1], avg_min[2])) ) x_axis = br - bl bl = bl - avg_min tr = tr - avg_min if crs_out.to_epsg() == 4978: # Transform geocentric normal => (0, 0, 1) # and 4978-bbox x axis => (1, 0, 0), # to have a bbox in local coordinates that's nicely aligned with the data rotation_matrix = make_rotation_matrix(avg_min, np.array([0, 0, 1])) rotation_matrix = make_rotation_matrix(x_axis, np.array([1, 0, 0])), rotation_matrix ) rotation_matrix_part = rotation_matrix[:3, :3].T bl =, rotation_matrix_part) tr =, rotation_matrix_part) root_aabb = np.array([np.minimum(bl, tr), np.maximum(bl, tr)]) else: # offset root_aabb = aabb - avg_min return rotation_matrix, root_aabb, avg_min
[docs] def get_root_aabb( self, original_aabb: npt.NDArray[np.float64] ) -> tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float64], npt.NDArray[np.float32], float]: base_spacing = compute_spacing(original_aabb) if base_spacing > 10: root_scale = np.array([0.01, 0.01, 0.01]) elif base_spacing > 1: root_scale = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) else: root_scale = np.array([1, 1, 1]) root_aabb = original_aabb * root_scale root_spacing = compute_spacing(root_aabb) return root_aabb, root_scale, root_spacing
[docs] def print_summary(self) -> None: print("Summary:") print(" - points to process: {}".format(self.file_info["point_count"])) print(f" - offset to use: {self.avg_min}") print(f" - root spacing: {self.root_spacing / self.root_scale[0]}") print(f" - root aabb: {self.root_aabb}") print(f" - original aabb: {self.original_aabb}") print(f" - scale: {self.root_scale}")
[docs] def send_file_to_read(self) -> tuple[bytes, list[bytes]]: if self.verbosity >= 1: print(f"Submit next portion {self.state.point_cloud_file_parts[-1]}") file, portion = self.state.point_cloud_file_parts.pop() self.state.points_in_progress += portion[1] - portion[0] self.state.number_of_reading_jobs += 1 return PointManagerMessage.READ_FILE.value, [ pickle.dumps( { "filename": file, "offset_scale": ( -self.avg_min, self.root_scale, self.rotation_matrix[:3, :3].T, ), "portion": portion, } ), ]
[docs] def send_points_to_process( self, now: float ) -> Generator[tuple[bytes, list[bytes]], None, None]: potentials = sorted( # a key (=task) can be in node_to_process and processing_nodes if the node isn't completely processed [ (node, task) for node, task in self.state.node_to_process.items() # task: [data...], point_count if node not in self.state.processing_nodes ], key=lambda task: -len(task[0]), ) # sort by node name size, the root nodes first while potentials: target_count = 100_000 job_list = [] count = 0 idx = len(potentials) - 1 while count < target_count and idx >= 0: name, (tasks, point_count) = potentials[idx] count += point_count job_list += [ name, self.node_store.get(name), struct.pack(">I", len(tasks)), ] + tasks del potentials[idx] del self.state.node_to_process[name] self.state.processing_nodes[name] = ( len(tasks), point_count, now, ) if name in self.state.waiting_writing_nodes: self.state.waiting_writing_nodes.pop( self.state.waiting_writing_nodes.index(name) ) idx -= 1 if job_list: yield PointManagerMessage.PROCESS_JOBS.value, job_list
[docs] def send_pnts_to_write(self) -> tuple[bytes, list[bytes]]: node_name = self.state.pnts_to_writing.pop() data = self.node_store.get(node_name) if not data: raise ValueError(f"{node_name!r} has no data") self.node_store.remove(node_name) self.state.number_of_writing_jobs += 1 return PointManagerMessage.WRITE_PNTS.value, [node_name, data]
[docs] def process_message(self, return_type: bytes, result: list[bytes]) -> bool: at_least_one_job_ended = False if return_type == PointWorkerMessageType.READ.value: self.state.number_of_reading_jobs -= 1 at_least_one_job_ended = True elif return_type == PointWorkerMessageType.PROCESSED.value: content = pickle.loads(result[-1]) self.state.processed_points += content["total"] self.state.points_in_progress -= content["total"] del self.state.processing_nodes[content["name"]] self.dispatch_processed_nodes(content) at_least_one_job_ended = True elif return_type == PointWorkerMessageType.PNTS_WRITTEN.value: self.state.points_in_pnts += struct.unpack(">I", result[0])[0] self.state.number_of_writing_jobs -= 1 elif return_type == PointWorkerMessageType.NEW_TASK.value: self.state.add_tasks_to_process( node_name=result[0], data=result[1], point_count=struct.unpack(">I", result[2])[0], ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"The command {return_type!r} is not implemented") return at_least_one_job_ended
[docs] def dispatch_processed_nodes(self, content: dict[str, bytes]) -> None: if not content["name"]: return self.node_store.put(content["name"], content["data"]) self.state.waiting_writing_nodes.append(content["name"]) if not self.state.is_reading_finish(): return # if all nodes aren't processed yet, # we should check if linked ancestors are processed if self.state.processing_nodes or self.state.node_to_process: finished_node = content["name"] if can_pnts_be_written( finished_node, finished_node, self.state.node_to_process, self.state.processing_nodes, ): self.state.waiting_writing_nodes.pop(-1) self.state.pnts_to_writing.append(finished_node) for i in range(len(self.state.waiting_writing_nodes) - 1, -1, -1): candidate = self.state.waiting_writing_nodes[i] if can_pnts_be_written( candidate, finished_node, self.state.node_to_process, self.state.processing_nodes, ): self.state.waiting_writing_nodes.pop(i) self.state.pnts_to_writing.append(candidate) else: for c in self.state.waiting_writing_nodes: self.state.pnts_to_writing.append(c) self.state.waiting_writing_nodes.clear()
[docs] def validate_binary_data(self) -> None: if self.state.points_in_pnts != self.file_info["point_count"]: raise ValueError( "Invalid point count in the written .pnts" + f"(expected: {self.file_info['point_count']}, was: {self.state.points_in_pnts})" )
[docs] def write_tileset(self, use_process_pool: bool = True) -> None: # compute tile transform matrix transform = np.linalg.inv(self.rotation_matrix) transform =, make_scale_matrix(1.0 / self.root_scale[0])) transform =, transform) # Create the root tile by sampling (or taking all points?) of child nodes root_node = Node(b"", self.root_aabb, self.root_spacing * 2) root_node.children = [] inv_aabb_size = ( 1.0 / np.maximum( MIN_POINT_SIZE, self.root_aabb[1] - self.root_aabb[0], ) ).astype(np.float32) for child_num in range(8): tile_path = node_name_to_path( self.out_folder, str(child_num).encode("ascii"), ".pnts" ) if tile_path.exists(): tile_content = read_binary_tile_content(tile_path) fth = tile_content.body.feature_table.header xyz = tile_content.body.feature_table.body.position.view( np.float32 ).reshape((fth.points_length, 3)) if self.rgb: tile_color = tile_content.body.feature_table.body.color if tile_color is None: raise TilerException( "tile_content.body.feature_table.body.color shouldn't be None here. Seems to be a py3dtiles issue." ) if tile_color.dtype != np.uint8: raise TilerException( "The data type of tile_content.body.feature_table.body.color must be np.uint8. Seems to be a py3dtiles issue." ) rgb = tile_color.reshape((fth.points_length, 3)).astype( np.uint8, copy=False ) # the astype is used for typing else: rgb = np.zeros(xyz.shape, dtype=np.uint8) if self.classification: classification = ( tile_content.body.batch_table.get_binary_property( "Classification" ) .astype(np.uint8) .reshape(-1, 1) ) else: classification = np.zeros((fth.points_length, 1), dtype=np.uint8) if self.intensity: intensity = ( (tile_content.body.batch_table.get_binary_property("Intensity")) .astype(np.uint8) .reshape(-1, 1) ) else: intensity = np.zeros((fth.points_length, 1), dtype=np.uint8) root_node.grid.insert( self.root_aabb[0].astype(np.float32), inv_aabb_size, xyz.copy(), rgb, classification, intensity, ) pnts_writer.node_to_pnts( b"", root_node, self.out_folder, self.rgb, self.classification, self.intensity, ) if use_process_pool: pool_executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() else: pool_executor = None root_tile = node_from_name(b"", self.root_aabb, self.root_spacing).to_tileset( self.out_folder, self.root_scale, None, 0, pool_executor ) if pool_executor is not None: pool_executor.shutdown() if root_tile is None: raise RuntimeError( "root_tileset cannot be None here. This is likely a tiler bug." ) root_tile.transform = transform.reshape(16, order="F") root_tile.set_refine_mode( "REPLACE" ) # The root tile is in the "REPLACE" refine mode # And children with the "ADD" refine mode # No need to set this property in their children, they will take the parent value if it is not present for child in root_tile.children: child.set_refine_mode("ADD") geometric_error = ( np.linalg.norm(self.root_aabb[1] - self.root_aabb[0]) / self.root_scale[0] ) tileset = TileSet(geometric_error=geometric_error) tileset.root_tile = root_tile tileset.write_as_json(self.out_folder / "tileset.json")
[docs] def benchmark(self, benchmark_id: str, startup: float) -> None: print( "{},{},{},{}".format( self.benchmark, ",".join([ for f in self.files]), self.state.points_in_pnts, round(time.time() - startup, 1), ) )
[docs] def print_debug( self, now: float, number_of_jobs: int, number_of_idle_clients: int ) -> None: if self.verbosity >= 3: print("{:^16}|{:^8}|{:^8}".format("Name", "Points", "Seconds")) for name, v in self.state.processing_nodes.items(): print( "{:^16}|{:^8}|{:^8}".format( "{} ({})".format(name.decode("ascii"), v[0]), v[1], round(now - v[2], 1), ) ) print("") print("Pending:") print( " - root: {} / {}".format( len(self.state.point_cloud_file_parts), self.state.initial_portion_count, ) ) print( " - other: {} files for {} nodes".format( sum([len(f[0]) for f in self.state.node_to_process.values()]), len(self.state.node_to_process), ) ) print("") elif self.verbosity >= 2: self.state.print_debug() if self.verbosity >= 1: print( "{} % points in {} sec [{} tasks, {} nodes, {} wip]".format( round( 100 * self.state.processed_points / self.file_info["point_count"], 2, ), round(now, 1), number_of_jobs - number_of_idle_clients, len(self.state.processing_nodes), self.state.points_in_progress, ) ) elif self.verbosity >= 0: percent = round( 100 * self.state.processed_points / self.file_info["point_count"], 2, ) time_left = (100 - percent) * now / (percent + 0.001) print( f"\r{percent:>6} % in {round(now)} sec [est. time left: {round(time_left)} sec] ", end="", flush=True, )
[docs] def memory_control(self) -> None: self.node_store.control_memory_usage(self.cache_size, self.verbosity)