Source code for py3dtiles.merger

import argparse
import copy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from py3dtiles.exceptions import (
from py3dtiles.tileset.bounding_volume_box import BoundingVolumeBox
from py3dtiles.tileset.content import Pnts
from py3dtiles.tileset.tile import Tile
from py3dtiles.tileset.tileset import TileSet
from py3dtiles.utils import split_aabb

_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=npt.NBitBase)

[docs] def merge( tilesets: list[TileSet], tileset_paths: Optional[dict[TileSet, Path]] = None ) -> TileSet: """ Create a tileset that include all input tilesets. The tilesets don't need to be written. The output tileset is not written but return as dict (TilesetDictType). """ if not tilesets: raise ValueError("The tileset list cannot be empty") global_tileset = TileSet() for tileset in tilesets: bounding_volume = copy.deepcopy(tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume) if bounding_volume is None: raise BoundingVolumeMissingException( "The root tile of all tilesets should have a bounding volume" ) bounding_volume.transform(tileset.root_tile.transform) tile = Tile( geometric_error=tileset.root_tile.geometric_error, bounding_volume=bounding_volume, refine_mode="REPLACE", ) if tileset_paths is not None: tile.content_uri = tileset_paths[tileset] else: tile.tile_content = tileset global_tileset.root_tile.add_child(tile) biggest_geometric_error = 0.0 for child in global_tileset.root_tile.children: biggest_geometric_error = max(biggest_geometric_error, child.geometric_error) global_tileset.geometric_error = biggest_geometric_error global_tileset.root_tile.geometric_error = biggest_geometric_error global_tileset.root_tile.set_refine_mode("REPLACE") return global_tileset
[docs] def quadtree_split( aabb: "npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]", ) -> list["npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]"]: return [ split_aabb(aabb, 0, True), split_aabb(aabb, 2, True), split_aabb(aabb, 4, True), split_aabb(aabb, 6, True), ]
[docs] def is_point_inside( point: "npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]", aabb: "npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]" ) -> np.bool_: return np.all(aabb[0] <= point) and np.all(point < aabb[1])
[docs] def build_tileset_quadtree( aabb: npt.NDArray[np.float64], tilesets: list[TileSet], bounding_box_centers: list[npt.NDArray[np.float64]], inv_base_transform: npt.NDArray[np.float64], tileset_paths: Optional[dict[TileSet, Path]] = None, ) -> Optional[Tile]: insides = [ (tileset, center) for tileset, center in zip(tilesets, bounding_box_centers) if is_point_inside(center, aabb) ] if len(insides) == 0: return None tileset_insides = [tileset for tileset, _ in insides] center_insides = [center for _, center in insides] quadtree_diag = np.linalg.norm(aabb[1][:2] - aabb[0][:2]) if len(tileset_insides) == 1 or quadtree_diag < 1: # apply transform to boundingVolume tileset = tileset_insides[0] bvb = copy.deepcopy(tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume) if bvb is None: raise InvalidTilesetError( "The root tile of the tileset must have a bounding volume." ) if tileset.root_tile.transform is not None: bvb.transform(tileset.root_tile.transform) tile = Tile( geometric_error=tileset.root_tile.geometric_error, transform=inv_base_transform, bounding_volume=bvb, ) if tileset_paths is not None: tile.content_uri = tileset_paths[tileset] else: tile.tile_content = tileset return tile else: children = [] for quarter in quadtree_split(aabb): r = build_tileset_quadtree( quarter, tileset_insides, center_insides, inv_base_transform, tileset_paths, ) if r is not None: children.append(r) main_root_tile = tileset_insides[0].root_tile union_aabb = copy.deepcopy(main_root_tile.bounding_volume) if union_aabb is None: raise InvalidTilesetError( "The root tile of the tileset must have a bounding volume." ) if main_root_tile.transform is not None: union_aabb.transform(main_root_tile.transform) # take half points from our children xyz = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) rgb = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.uint8) max_point_count = 50000 point_count = 0 for tileset in tileset_insides: if tileset.root_tile.tile_content is not None: root_tile_content = tileset.root_tile.tile_content elif tileset_paths is not None: root_tile_content = tileset.root_tile.get_or_fetch_content( tileset_paths[tileset] ) else: root_tile_content = None if root_tile_content is not None: if not isinstance(root_tile_content, Pnts): raise TilerException( "The tileset must only have Pnts as tile content on the root tile." ) point_count += root_tile_content.body.feature_table.header.points_length ratio = min(0.5, max_point_count / point_count) for tileset in tileset_insides: root_tile = tileset.root_tile root_tile_content = root_tile.tile_content if not isinstance(root_tile_content, Pnts): raise TilerException( "The tileset must only have Pnts as tile content on the root tile." ) local_transform = root_tile.transform @ inv_base_transform _xyz, _rgb = root_tile_content.body.get_points(local_transform) select = np.random.choice(_xyz.shape[0], int(_xyz.shape[0] * ratio)) xyz = np.concatenate((xyz, _xyz[select])) if _rgb is not None: rgb = np.concatenate((rgb, _rgb[select])) ab = copy.deepcopy(root_tile.bounding_volume) if ab is None: raise InvalidTilesetError( "The root tile of the tileset must have a bounding volume." ) if root_tile.transform is not None: ab.transform(root_tile.transform) union_aabb.add(ab) pnts = Pnts.from_points( np.concatenate((xyz.view(np.uint8).ravel(), rgb.ravel())), rgb.shape[0] > 0, False, # TODO: Handle classification in the merging process False, # TODO: Handle intensity in the merging process ) union_aabb.transform(inv_base_transform) tile = Tile( refine_mode="REPLACE", geometric_error=max( [tileset.root_tile.geometric_error for tileset in tileset_insides] ) / ratio, ) if pnts is not None: tile.tile_content = pnts tile.content_uri = Path("r.pnts") for child in children: tile.add_child(child) return tile
[docs] def merge_with_pnts_content( tilesets: list[TileSet], tileset_paths: Optional[dict[TileSet, Path]] = None ) -> TileSet: global_bounding_volume = BoundingVolumeBox() bounding_box_centers = [] for tileset in tilesets: # apply transformation if tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume is None: raise BoundingVolumeMissingException( "The root tile should have a bounding volume." ) bounding_box = copy.deepcopy(tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume) if tileset.root_tile.transform is not None: bounding_box.transform(tileset.root_tile.transform) global_bounding_volume.add(bounding_box) bounding_box_centers.append(bounding_box.get_center()) corners = global_bounding_volume.get_corners() aabb = np.array((corners[0], corners[-1])) base_transform = tilesets[0].root_tile.transform inv_base_transform = np.linalg.inv(base_transform) # build hierarchical structure result = build_tileset_quadtree( aabb, tilesets, bounding_box_centers, inv_base_transform, tileset_paths ) if result is None: raise RuntimeError("Result shouldn't be None") result.transform = base_transform tileset = TileSet(geometric_error=float(np.linalg.norm((aabb[1] - aabb[0])[0:3]))) tileset.root_tile = result return tileset
[docs] def merge_from_files( tileset_paths: list[Path], output_tileset_path: Path, overwrite: bool = True, force_universal_merger: bool = False, ) -> None: output_tileset_path = output_tileset_path.absolute() if output_tileset_path.exists(): if overwrite: TileSet.from_file(output_tileset_path).delete_on_disk( output_tileset_path, delete_sub_tileset=False ) else: raise FileExistsError( f"Destination tileset {output_tileset_path} already exists." ) tilesets = [] for path in tileset_paths: tilesets.append(TileSet.from_file(path)) not_only_pnts = force_universal_merger or any( not isinstance( tileset.root_tile.get_or_fetch_content(tileset_path.parent), Pnts ) for tileset_path, tileset in zip(tileset_paths, tilesets) ) relative_tileset_paths = { tileset: path.absolute().relative_to(output_tileset_path.parent) for tileset, path in zip(tilesets, tileset_paths) } if not_only_pnts: tileset = merge(tilesets, relative_tileset_paths) else: tileset = merge_with_pnts_content(tilesets, relative_tileset_paths) tileset.root_uri = output_tileset_path.parent tileset.write_to_directory(output_tileset_path)
def _init_parser( subparser: "argparse._SubParsersAction[Any]", ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = subparser.add_parser( "merge", help="Merge several pointcloud tilesets in 1 tileset. All input tilesets must be relative to the output tileset.", ) parser.add_argument("tilesets", nargs="+", help="All tileset paths to merge") parser.add_argument( "--output-tileset", required=True, help="The path to the output tileset." ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite the output folder if it already exists.", ) return parser def _main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: return merge_from_files( [Path(tileset_file) for tileset_file in args.tilesets], Path(args.output_tileset), args.overwrite, )