Source code for py3dtiles.tileset.extension.base_extension

from __future__ import annotations

from py3dtiles.typing import ExtensionDictType

registered_extensions: dict[str, type[BaseExtension]] = {}

[docs] class BaseExtension: """ A base class to manage 3dtiles extension. If an extension is added somewhere in a tileset, the user must add the name of the extension in the attribute `extensions_used` of the class `TileSet`. Also, if the support of an extension is necessary to display the tileset, the name must be added in the attribute `extensions_required` of the class `TileSet`. """ def __init__(self, name: str): = name self.attributes: ExtensionDictType = {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, extension_dict: ExtensionDictType) -> BaseExtension: """ Creates an instance of the default extension class BaseExtension. This instance will store all attributes in a single field. :param extension_dict: a dict containing all attributes of the extension (keys and values). :return: a BaseExtension instance. """ extension = cls("") extension.attributes = extension_dict return extension
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> ExtensionDictType: """ :return: a dict containing all attributes of the extension (keys and values). """ return self.attributes
[docs] def create_extension( extension_key: str, extension_dict: ExtensionDictType ) -> BaseExtension: """ Creates an instance of the extension if it is registered. Else, creates an instance of BaseExtension storing all attributes in a single field. :param extension_key: the name of the extension to create :param extension_dict: a dict containing all attributes of the extension (keys and values). :return: an extension. """ extension_class = registered_extensions.get(extension_key, BaseExtension) return extension_class.from_dict(extension_dict)
[docs] def register_extension( extension_key: str, extension_class: type[BaseExtension] ) -> None: """ Registers an extension by mapping the name of the extension with the corresponding class. :param extension_key: the name of the extension as a string. :param extension_class: the class of the extension. """ registered_extensions[extension_key] = extension_class
[docs] def is_extension_registered(extension_key: str) -> bool: """ Checks if the extension is registered. :param extension_key: the name of the extension as a string. :return: a boolean. """ return extension_key in registered_extensions