Source code for py3dtiles.merger

import argparse
import copy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from py3dtiles.exceptions import (
from py3dtiles.tileset.bounding_volume_box import BoundingVolumeBox
from py3dtiles.tileset.content import Pnts
from py3dtiles.tileset.tile import Tile
from py3dtiles.tileset.tileset import TileSet
from py3dtiles.utils import split_aabb

_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=npt.NBitBase)

[docs] def merge( tilesets: List[TileSet], tileset_paths: Optional[Dict[TileSet, Path]] = None ) -> TileSet: """ Create a tileset that include all input tilesets. The tilesets don't need to be written. The output tileset is not written but return as dict (TilesetDictType). """ if not tilesets: raise ValueError("The tileset list cannot be empty") global_tileset = TileSet() for tileset in tilesets: bounding_volume = copy.deepcopy(tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume) if bounding_volume is None: raise BoundingVolumeMissingException( "The root tile of all tilesets should have a bounding volume" ) bounding_volume.transform(tileset.root_tile.transform) tile = Tile( geometric_error=tileset.root_tile.geometric_error, bounding_volume=bounding_volume, refine_mode="REPLACE", ) if tileset_paths is not None: tile.content_uri = tileset_paths[tileset] else: tile.tile_content = tileset global_tileset.root_tile.add_child(tile) biggest_geometric_error = 0.0 for child in global_tileset.root_tile.children: biggest_geometric_error = max(biggest_geometric_error, child.geometric_error) global_tileset.geometric_error = biggest_geometric_error global_tileset.root_tile.geometric_error = biggest_geometric_error global_tileset.root_tile.set_refine_mode("REPLACE") return global_tileset
[docs] def quadtree_split( aabb: "npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]", ) -> List["npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]"]: return [ split_aabb(aabb, 0, True), split_aabb(aabb, 2, True), split_aabb(aabb, 4, True), split_aabb(aabb, 6, True), ]
[docs] def is_point_inside( point: "npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]", aabb: "npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]]" ) -> np.bool_: return np.all(aabb[0] <= point) and np.all(point < aabb[1])
[docs] def build_tileset_quadtree( aabb: npt.NDArray[np.float64], tilesets: List[TileSet], bounding_box_centers: List[npt.NDArray[np.float64]], inv_base_transform: npt.NDArray[np.float64], tileset_paths: Optional[Dict[TileSet, Path]] = None, ) -> Optional[Tile]: insides = [ (tileset, center) for tileset, center in zip(tilesets, bounding_box_centers) if is_point_inside(center, aabb) ] if len(insides) == 0: return None tileset_insides = [tileset for tileset, _ in insides] center_insides = [center for _, center in insides] quadtree_diag = np.linalg.norm(aabb[1][:2] - aabb[0][:2]) if len(tileset_insides) == 1 or quadtree_diag < 1: # apply transform to boundingVolume tileset = tileset_insides[0] bvb = copy.deepcopy(tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume) if bvb is None: raise InvalidTilesetError( "The root tile of the tileset must have a bounding volume." ) if tileset.root_tile.transform is not None: bvb.transform(tileset.root_tile.transform) tile = Tile( geometric_error=tileset.root_tile.geometric_error, transform=inv_base_transform, bounding_volume=bvb, ) if tileset_paths is not None: tile.content_uri = tileset_paths[tileset] else: tile.tile_content = tileset return tile else: children = [] for quarter in quadtree_split(aabb): r = build_tileset_quadtree( quarter, tileset_insides, center_insides, inv_base_transform, tileset_paths, ) if r is not None: children.append(r) main_root_tile = tileset_insides[0].root_tile union_aabb = copy.deepcopy(main_root_tile.bounding_volume) if union_aabb is None: raise InvalidTilesetError( "The root tile of the tileset must have a bounding volume." ) if main_root_tile.transform is not None: union_aabb.transform(main_root_tile.transform) # take half points from our children xyz = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) rgb = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.uint8) max_point_count = 50000 point_count = 0 for tileset in tileset_insides: if tileset.root_tile.tile_content is not None: root_tile_content = tileset.root_tile.tile_content elif tileset_paths is not None: root_tile_content = tileset.root_tile.get_or_fetch_content( tileset_paths[tileset] ) else: root_tile_content = None if root_tile_content is not None: if not isinstance(root_tile_content, Pnts): raise TilerException( "The tileset must only have Pnts as tile content on the root tile." ) point_count += root_tile_content.body.feature_table.header.points_length ratio = min(0.5, max_point_count / point_count) for tileset in tileset_insides: root_tile = tileset.root_tile root_tile_content = root_tile.tile_content if not isinstance(root_tile_content, Pnts): raise TilerException( "The tileset must only have Pnts as tile content on the root tile." ) local_transform = root_tile.transform @ inv_base_transform _xyz, _rgb = root_tile_content.body.get_points(local_transform) select = np.random.choice(_xyz.shape[0], int(_xyz.shape[0] * ratio)) xyz = np.concatenate((xyz, _xyz[select])) if _rgb is not None: rgb = np.concatenate((rgb, _rgb[select])) ab = copy.deepcopy(root_tile.bounding_volume) if ab is None: raise InvalidTilesetError( "The root tile of the tileset must have a bounding volume." ) if root_tile.transform is not None: ab.transform(root_tile.transform) union_aabb.add(ab) pnts = Pnts.from_points( np.concatenate((xyz.view(np.uint8).ravel(), rgb.ravel())), rgb.shape[0] > 0, False, # TODO: Handle classification in the merging process ) union_aabb.transform(inv_base_transform) tile = Tile( refine_mode="REPLACE", geometric_error=max( [tileset.root_tile.geometric_error for tileset in tileset_insides] ) / ratio, ) if pnts is not None: tile.tile_content = pnts tile.content_uri = Path("r.pnts") for child in children: tile.add_child(child) return tile
[docs] def merge_with_pnts_content( tilesets: List[TileSet], tileset_paths: Optional[Dict[TileSet, Path]] = None ) -> TileSet: global_bounding_volume = BoundingVolumeBox() bounding_box_centers = [] for tileset in tilesets: # apply transformation if tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume is None: raise BoundingVolumeMissingException( "The root tile should have a bounding volume." ) bounding_box = copy.deepcopy(tileset.root_tile.bounding_volume) if tileset.root_tile.transform is not None: bounding_box.transform(tileset.root_tile.transform) global_bounding_volume.add(bounding_box) bounding_box_centers.append(bounding_box.get_center()) corners = global_bounding_volume.get_corners() aabb = np.array((corners[0], corners[-1])) base_transform = tilesets[0].root_tile.transform inv_base_transform = np.linalg.inv(base_transform) # build hierarchical structure result = build_tileset_quadtree( aabb, tilesets, bounding_box_centers, inv_base_transform, tileset_paths ) if result is None: raise RuntimeError("Result shouldn't be None") result.transform = base_transform tileset = TileSet(geometric_error=float(np.linalg.norm((aabb[1] - aabb[0])[0:3]))) tileset.root_tile = result return tileset
[docs] def merge_from_files( tileset_paths: List[Path], output_tileset_path: Path, overwrite: bool = True, force_universal_merger: bool = False, ) -> None: output_tileset_path = output_tileset_path.absolute() if output_tileset_path.exists(): if overwrite: TileSet.from_file(output_tileset_path).delete_on_disk( output_tileset_path, delete_sub_tileset=False ) else: raise FileExistsError( f"Destination tileset {output_tileset_path} already exists." ) tilesets = [] for path in tileset_paths: tilesets.append(TileSet.from_file(path)) not_only_pnts = force_universal_merger or any( not isinstance( tileset.root_tile.get_or_fetch_content(tileset_path.parent), Pnts ) for tileset_path, tileset in zip(tileset_paths, tilesets) ) relative_tileset_paths = { tileset: path.absolute().relative_to(output_tileset_path.parent) for tileset, path in zip(tilesets, tileset_paths) } if not_only_pnts: tileset = merge(tilesets, relative_tileset_paths) else: tileset = merge_with_pnts_content(tilesets, relative_tileset_paths) tileset.root_uri = output_tileset_path.parent tileset.write_to_directory(output_tileset_path)
[docs] def init_parser( subparser: "argparse._SubParsersAction[Any]", ) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser: argparse.ArgumentParser = subparser.add_parser( "merge", help="Merge several pointcloud tilesets in 1 tileset. All input tilesets must be relative to the output tileset.", ) parser.add_argument("tilesets", nargs="+", help="All tileset paths to merge") parser.add_argument( "--output-tileset", required=True, help="The path to the output tileset." ) parser.add_argument( "--overwrite", action="store_true", help="Overwrite the output folder if it already exists.", ) return parser
[docs] def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: return merge_from_files( [Path(tileset_file) for tileset_file in args.tilesets], Path(args.output_tileset), args.overwrite, )