py3dtiles.tileset module

class py3dtiles.tileset.TileSet(geometric_error=500)[source]

Bases: Extendable

add_asset_extras(comment: str) None[source]

comment – the comment on original data, pre-processing, possible ownership to be added as asset extra.

set_transform(transform: List[float]) None[source]

transform – a flattened transformation matrix


to_dict() dict[source]

Convert to json string possibly mentioning used schemas

to_json() str[source]
write_as_json(directory: Path) None[source]

Write the tileset as a JSON file. :param directory: the target directory name

write_to_directory(directory: Path) None[source]

Write (or overwrite), to the directory whose name is provided, the TileSet that is:

  • the tileset as a json file and

  • all the tiles content of the Tiles used by the Tileset.


directory – the target directory name