Source code for py3dtiles.tileset.content.pnts_feature_table

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from py3dtiles.exceptions import InvalidPntsError
from py3dtiles.tileset.content.feature_table import (
from py3dtiles.typing import FeatureTableHeaderDataType

    from .tile_content import TileContentHeader

[docs] class SemanticPoint(Enum): NONE = 0 POSITION = 1 POSITION_QUANTIZED = 2 RGBA = 3 RGB = 4 RGB565 = 5 NORMAL = 6 NORMAL_OCT16P = 7 BATCH_ID = 8
[docs] class SemanticCategory(Enum): NONE = 0 POSITION = 1 COLOR = 2 NORMAL = 3 BATCH = 4
SEMANTIC_CATEGORY_MAP = { SemanticPoint.NONE: SemanticCategory.NONE, SemanticPoint.POSITION: SemanticCategory.POSITION, SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED: SemanticCategory.POSITION, SemanticPoint.RGB: SemanticCategory.COLOR, SemanticPoint.RGBA: SemanticCategory.COLOR, SemanticPoint.RGB565: SemanticCategory.COLOR, SemanticPoint.NORMAL: SemanticCategory.NORMAL, SemanticPoint.NORMAL_OCT16P: SemanticCategory.NORMAL, SemanticPoint.BATCH_ID: SemanticCategory.BATCH, } SEMANTIC_TYPE_MAP = { SemanticPoint.POSITION: np.float32, SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED: np.uint16, SemanticPoint.RGB: np.uint8, SemanticPoint.RGBA: np.uint8, SemanticPoint.RGB565: np.uint16, SemanticPoint.NORMAL: np.float32, SemanticPoint.NORMAL_OCT16P: np.uint8, } SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP = { SemanticPoint.POSITION: 3, SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED: 3, SemanticPoint.RGB: 3, SemanticPoint.RGBA: 4, SemanticPoint.RGB565: 1, SemanticPoint.NORMAL: 3, SemanticPoint.NORMAL_OCT16P: 2, } SEMANTIC_ITEM_SIZE_MAP = { semantic: SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP[semantic] * np.dtype(SEMANTIC_TYPE_MAP[semantic]).itemsize for semantic in SEMANTIC_TYPE_MAP }
[docs] def check_semantic_type(semantic: SemanticPoint, category: SemanticCategory) -> None: """ This function checks if the category of the semantic is the same as the parameter category. If not, it raises an InvalidPntsError exception. """ if SEMANTIC_CATEGORY_MAP[semantic] != category: raise InvalidPntsError( f"The category of {semantic} is {SEMANTIC_CATEGORY_MAP[semantic]}, it cannot be used to set {category}" )
[docs] def check_array_size( array: npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16 | np.uint8], semantic: SemanticPoint, nb_points: int, ) -> None: """ This function checks if the size of the given array is correct according semantic and nb_points. If not, it raises an InvalidPntsError exception. """ if len(array) != nb_points * SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP[semantic]: raise InvalidPntsError( f"The array {SEMANTIC_CATEGORY_MAP[semantic]} has a wrong size. Expecting a size of " f"{nb_points * SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP[semantic]}, got {len(array)}" )
[docs] class PntsFeatureTableHeader(FeatureTableHeader): def __init__(self) -> None: # point semantics self.positions = SemanticPoint.POSITION self.positions_offset = 0 # Needed when the position is quantized self.quantized_volume_offset: npt.NDArray[np.float32] | None = None self.quantized_volume_scale: npt.NDArray[np.float32] | None = None self.colors = SemanticPoint.NONE self.colors_offset = 0 self.constant_rgba: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] | None = None self.normal = SemanticPoint.NONE self.normal_offset = 0 # global semantics self.points_length = 0 self.rtc: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: jsond = self.to_json() json_str = json.dumps(jsond).replace(" ", "") n = len(json_str) + 28 if n % 8 != 0: json_str += " " * (8 - n % 8) return np.frombuffer(json_str.encode("utf-8"), dtype=np.uint8)
[docs] def to_json(self) -> FeatureTableHeaderDataType: # length jsond: FeatureTableHeaderDataType = {"POINTS_LENGTH": self.points_length} # RTC (Relative To Center) if self.rtc is not None: jsond["RTC_CENTER"] = self.rtc # positions offset = {"byteOffset": self.positions_offset} if self.positions == SemanticPoint.POSITION: jsond["POSITION"] = offset elif self.positions == SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED: jsond["POSITION_QUANTIZED"] = offset if self.quantized_volume_offset is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "If the position semantic is SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED, the attribute quantized_volume_offset cannot be None." ) if self.quantized_volume_scale is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "If the position semantic is SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED, the attribute quantized_volume_scale cannot be None." ) jsond["QUANTIZED_VOLUME_OFFSET"] = list(self.quantized_volume_offset) jsond["QUANTIZED_VOLUME_SCALE"] = list(self.quantized_volume_scale) # colors offset = {"byteOffset": self.colors_offset} if self.colors == SemanticPoint.RGB: jsond["RGB"] = offset elif self.colors == SemanticPoint.RGBA: jsond["RGBA"] = offset elif self.colors == SemanticPoint.RGB565: jsond["RGB565"] = offset if self.constant_rgba is not None: # cannot give the shape of self.constant_rgba to mypy constant_rgba_tuple: tuple[int, int, int, int] = tuple(self.constant_rgba) jsond["CONSTANT_RGBA"] = constant_rgba_tuple # normal offset = {"byteOffset": self.normal_offset} if self.positions == SemanticPoint.NORMAL: jsond["NORMAL"] = offset elif self.positions == SemanticPoint.NORMAL_OCT16P: jsond["NORMAL_OCT16P"] = offset return jsond
[docs] @staticmethod def from_semantic( position_semantic: Literal[ SemanticPoint.POSITION, SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED ], color_semantic: Literal[ SemanticPoint.RGB, SemanticPoint.RGBA, SemanticPoint.RGB565 ] | None, normal_semantic: Literal[SemanticPoint.NORMAL, SemanticPoint.NORMAL_OCT16P] | None, nb_points: int, quantized_volume_offset: npt.NDArray[np.float32] | None = None, quantized_volume_scale: npt.NDArray[np.float32] | None = None, constant_rgba: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] | None = None, ) -> PntsFeatureTableHeader: fth = PntsFeatureTableHeader() fth.points_length = nb_points fth.positions = position_semantic fth.positions_offset = 0 next_offset = SEMANTIC_ITEM_SIZE_MAP[fth.positions] * nb_points if fth.positions == SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED: if quantized_volume_offset is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "If the position is quantized, quantized_volume_offset should be set." ) if quantized_volume_scale is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "If the position is quantized, quantized_volume_scale should be set." ) fth.quantized_volume_offset = quantized_volume_offset fth.quantized_volume_scale = quantized_volume_scale if color_semantic: fth.colors = color_semantic fth.colors_offset = next_offset next_offset += SEMANTIC_ITEM_SIZE_MAP[fth.colors] * nb_points if constant_rgba: fth.constant_rgba = constant_rgba if normal_semantic: fth.normal = normal_semantic fth.colors_offset = next_offset return fth
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array(array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> PntsFeatureTableHeader: jsond = json.loads(array.tobytes().decode("utf-8")) fth = PntsFeatureTableHeader() # points length if "POINTS_LENGTH" in jsond: fth.points_length = jsond["POINTS_LENGTH"] else: raise InvalidPntsError( "The pnts feature table json in the array must have a POINTS_LENGTH entry." ) # search position if "POSITION" in jsond: fth.positions = SemanticPoint.POSITION fth.positions_offset = jsond["POSITION"]["byteOffset"] elif "POSITION_QUANTIZED" in jsond: fth.positions = SemanticPoint.POSITION_QUANTIZED fth.positions_offset = jsond["POSITION_QUANTIZED"]["byteOffset"] if ( "QUANTIZED_VOLUME_OFFSET" not in jsond or "QUANTIZED_VOLUME_SCALE" not in jsond ): raise InvalidPntsError( "When the position is quantized, the pnts feature table json in the array" "must have a QUANTIZED_VOLUME_OFFSET and QUANTIZED_VOLUME_SCALE entry." ) fth.quantized_volume_offset = jsond["QUANTIZED_VOLUME_OFFSET"] fth.quantized_volume_offset = jsond["QUANTIZED_VOLUME_SCALE"] else: raise InvalidPntsError( "The pnts feature table json in the array must have a position entry " "(either POSITION or POSITION_QUANTIZED" ) # search colors if "RGB" in jsond: fth.colors = SemanticPoint.RGB fth.colors_offset = jsond["RGB"]["byteOffset"] elif "RGBA" in jsond: fth.colors = SemanticPoint.RGBA fth.colors_offset = jsond["RGBA"]["byteOffset"] elif "RGB565" in jsond: fth.colors = SemanticPoint.RGB565 fth.colors_offset = jsond["RGB565"]["byteOffset"] else: fth.colors = SemanticPoint.NONE fth.colors_offset = 0 # search normal if "NORMAL" in jsond: fth.normal = SemanticPoint.NORMAL fth.normal_offset = jsond["NORMAL"]["byteOffset"] elif "NORMAL_OCT16P" in jsond: fth.normal = SemanticPoint.NORMAL_OCT16P fth.normal_offset = jsond["NORMAL_OCT16P"]["byteOffset"] # RTC (Relative To Center) fth.rtc = jsond.get("RTC_CENTER", None) return fth
[docs] class PntsFeatureTableBody(FeatureTableBody): def __init__( self, positions: None | (npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16]) = None, color: npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None = None, normal: npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint8] | None = None, ) -> None: self.position = ( positions if positions is not None else np.array([], dtype=np.float32) ) self.color = color self.normal = normal
[docs] @classmethod def from_array( cls, feature_table_header: PntsFeatureTableHeader, array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] ) -> PntsFeatureTableBody: feature_table_body = cls() nb_points = feature_table_header.points_length # extract positions feature_table_body.position = cls._fetch_semantic_from_array( # type: ignore [assignment] # there is an error on dtype, but _fetch_semantic_from_array runs check_semantic_type. array, feature_table_header.positions, feature_table_header.positions_offset, nb_points, SemanticCategory.POSITION, ) # extract colors if feature_table_header.colors != SemanticPoint.NONE: feature_table_body.color = cls._fetch_semantic_from_array( # type: ignore [assignment] # there is an error on dtype, but _fetch_semantic_from_array runs check_semantic_type. array, feature_table_header.colors, feature_table_header.colors_offset, nb_points, SemanticCategory.COLOR, ) # extract normals if feature_table_header.normal != SemanticPoint.NONE: feature_table_body.normal = cls._fetch_semantic_from_array( # type: ignore [assignment] # there is an error on dtype, but _fetch_semantic_from_array runs check_semantic_type. array, feature_table_header.normal, feature_table_header.colors_offset, nb_points, SemanticCategory.NORMAL, ) return feature_table_body
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: position_array = self.position.view(np.uint8) length_array = len(position_array) if self.color is not None: color_array = self.color.view(np.uint8) length_array += len(color_array) else: color_array = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8) if self.normal is not None: normal_array = self.normal.view(np.uint8) length_array += len(normal_array) else: normal_array = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8) padding_str = " " * ((8 - length_array) % 8 % 8) padding = np.frombuffer(padding_str.encode("utf-8"), dtype=np.uint8) return np.concatenate((position_array, color_array, normal_array, padding))
@staticmethod def _fetch_semantic_from_array( array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], semantic: SemanticPoint, offset: int, nb_points: int, category: SemanticCategory, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16 | np.uint8]: check_semantic_type(semantic, category) semantic_array = array[ offset : offset + SEMANTIC_ITEM_SIZE_MAP[semantic] * nb_points ].view(SEMANTIC_TYPE_MAP[semantic]) check_array_size(semantic_array, semantic, nb_points) return semantic_array
[docs] class PntsFeatureTable(FeatureTable[PntsFeatureTableHeader, PntsFeatureTableBody]): def __init__(self) -> None: self.header = PntsFeatureTableHeader() self.body = PntsFeatureTableBody()
[docs] def nb_points(self) -> int: return self.header.points_length
[docs] def to_array(self) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8]: fth_arr = self.header.to_array() ftb_arr = self.body.to_array() return np.concatenate((fth_arr, ftb_arr))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_array( tile_header: TileContentHeader, array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] ) -> PntsFeatureTable: # build feature table header feature_table_header = PntsFeatureTableHeader.from_array( array[: tile_header.ft_json_byte_length] ) feature_table_body = PntsFeatureTableBody.from_array( feature_table_header, array[ tile_header.ft_json_byte_length : tile_header.ft_json_byte_length + tile_header.ft_bin_byte_length ], ) # build feature table feature_table = PntsFeatureTable() feature_table.header = feature_table_header feature_table.body = feature_table_body return feature_table
[docs] @staticmethod def from_features( feature_table_header: PntsFeatureTableHeader, position_array: npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16], color_array: npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None = None, normal_position: npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint8] | None = None, ) -> PntsFeatureTable: feature_table = PntsFeatureTable() feature_table.header = feature_table_header nb_points = feature_table.header.points_length # set the position array check_semantic_type(feature_table.header.positions, SemanticCategory.POSITION) check_array_size(position_array, feature_table.header.positions, nb_points) feature_table.body.position = position_array # set the color array if feature_table.header.colors != SemanticPoint.NONE: if color_array is None: raise InvalidPntsError( f"The argument color_array cannot be None " f"if the color has a semantic of {feature_table.header.colors} in the feature_table_header" ) check_semantic_type(feature_table.header.colors, SemanticCategory.COLOR) check_array_size(color_array, feature_table.header.colors, nb_points) feature_table.body.color = color_array # set the normal array if feature_table.header.normal != SemanticPoint.NONE: if normal_position is None: raise InvalidPntsError( f"The argument normal_array cannot be None " f"if the color has a semantic of {feature_table.header.normal} in the feature_table_header" ) check_semantic_type(feature_table.header.positions, SemanticCategory.NORMAL) check_array_size(normal_position, feature_table.header.normal, nb_points) feature_table.body.normal = normal_position return feature_table
[docs] def get_feature_at( self, index: int ) -> tuple[ npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16], npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None, npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint8] | None, ]: position = self.get_feature_position_at(index) color = self.get_feature_color_at(index) normal = self.get_feature_normal_at(index) return position, color, normal
[docs] def get_feature_position_at( self, index: int ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint16]: if index >= self.nb_points(): raise IndexError( f"The index {index} is out of range. The number of point is {self.nb_points()}" ) check_semantic_type(self.header.positions, SemanticCategory.POSITION) dimension = SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP[self.header.positions] return self.body.position[dimension * index : dimension * (index + 1)]
[docs] def get_feature_color_at( self, index: int ) -> npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None: if index >= self.nb_points(): raise IndexError( f"The index {index} is out of range. The number of point is {self.nb_points()}" ) if self.header.colors == SemanticPoint.NONE: return self.header.constant_rgba if self.body.color is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "The feature table body color shouldn't be None " f"if self.header.colors is {self.header.colors}." ) check_semantic_type(self.header.colors, SemanticCategory.COLOR) dimension = SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP[self.header.colors] return self.body.color[dimension * index : dimension * (index + 1)]
[docs] def get_feature_normal_at( self, index: int ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float32 | np.uint8] | None: if index >= self.nb_points(): raise IndexError( f"The index {index} is out of range. The number of point is {self.nb_points()}" ) if self.header.normal == SemanticPoint.NONE: return None if self.body.normal is None: raise InvalidPntsError( "The feature table body normal shouldn't be None " f"if self.header.colors is {self.header.normal}." ) check_semantic_type(self.header.normal, SemanticCategory.NORMAL) dimension = SEMANTIC_DIMENSION_MAP[self.header.normal] return self.body.normal[dimension * index : dimension * (index + 1)]