Source code for py3dtiles.tilers.point.node.node

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import json
import pickle
from import Generator, Iterator
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypedDict, TypeVar

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from py3dtiles.exceptions import TilerException
from py3dtiles.points import Points
from py3dtiles.tilers.point.pnts import MIN_POINT_SIZE
from py3dtiles.tilers.point.pnts.pnts_writer import points_to_pnts_file
from py3dtiles.tileset.bounding_volume_box import BoundingVolumeBox
from py3dtiles.tileset.content import read_binary_tile_content
from py3dtiles.tileset.content.pnts_feature_table import SemanticPoint
from py3dtiles.tileset.tile import Tile
from py3dtiles.tileset.tileset import TileSet
from py3dtiles.typing import ExtraFieldsDescription
from py3dtiles.utils import (

from .distance import xyz_to_child_index
from .points_grid import Grid

    from typing_extensions import NotRequired

    from .node_catalog import NodeCatalog

    _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=npt.NBitBase)

[docs] def node_to_tileset( args: tuple[Node, Path, npt.NDArray[np.float32], Node | None, int] ) -> Tile | None: return args[0].to_tileset(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], None)
[docs] class DummyNodeDictType(TypedDict): children: NotRequired[list[bytes]] grid: NotRequired[Grid] points: NotRequired[list[Points]]
[docs] class DummyNode: def __init__(self, _bytes: DummyNodeDictType) -> None: if "children" in _bytes: self.children: list[bytes] | None = _bytes["children"] self.grid = _bytes["grid"] else: self.children = None self.points = _bytes["points"]
[docs] def get_points(self) -> Points | None: if self.children: return self.grid.get_points() else: points = self.points if len(points) == 0: return None xyz = np.concatenate(tuple([pt.positions for pt in points])) if points[0].colors is None: # assume we don't have color rgb: npt.NDArray[np.uint8] | None = None else: # is not none only to make mypy happy rgb = np.concatenate( tuple([pt.colors for pt in points if pt.colors is not None]) ) extra_fields = {} for f in self.points[0].extra_fields.keys(): extra_fields[f] = np.concatenate( tuple([pt.extra_fields[f] for pt in points]) ) return Points(positions=xyz, colors=rgb, extra_fields=extra_fields)
[docs] class Node: """docstring for Node""" __slots__ = ( "name", "aabb", "aabb_size", "inv_aabb_size", "aabb_center", "spacing", "include_rgb", "extra_fields", "pending_points", "children", "grid", "points", "dirty", ) def __init__( self, name: bytes, aabb: npt.NDArray[np.float64 | np.float32], spacing: float, include_rgb: bool, extra_fields: list[ExtraFieldsDescription], ) -> None: super().__init__() = name self.aabb = aabb.astype( np.float32 ) # TODO remove astype once the whole typing is done (and once data type issues on numpy arrays are fixed). self.aabb_size = np.maximum(self.aabb[1] - self.aabb[0], MIN_POINT_SIZE) self.inv_aabb_size = 1.0 / self.aabb_size self.aabb_center = (self.aabb[0] + self.aabb[1]) * 0.5 self.spacing = spacing self.include_rgb = include_rgb self.extra_fields = extra_fields self.pending_points: list[Points] = [] self.children: list[bytes] | None = None self.grid = Grid(self.spacing, self.include_rgb, self.extra_fields) self.points: list[Points] = [] self.dirty = False
[docs] @staticmethod def create_child_node_from_parent( name: bytes, parent_aabb: npt.NDArray[np.floating[_T]], parent_spacing: float, include_rgb: bool, extra_fields: list[ExtraFieldsDescription], ) -> Node: spacing = parent_spacing * 0.5 aabb = split_aabb(parent_aabb, int(name[-1])) if len(name) > 0 else parent_aabb # let's build a new Node return Node(name, aabb.astype(np.float64), spacing, include_rgb, extra_fields)
[docs] def save_to_bytes(self) -> bytes: sub_pickle: dict[str, Any] = {} if self.children is not None: sub_pickle["children"] = self.children sub_pickle["grid"] = self.grid else: sub_pickle["points"] = self.points return pickle.dumps(sub_pickle)
[docs] def load_from_bytes(self, byt: bytes) -> None: sub_pickle = pickle.loads(byt) if "children" in sub_pickle: self.children = sub_pickle["children"] self.grid = sub_pickle["grid"] else: self.points = sub_pickle["points"]
[docs] def insert( self, scale: float, points: Points, make_empty_node: bool = False, ) -> None: if make_empty_node: self.children = [] self.pending_points.append(points) return # fastpath if self.children is None: self.points.append(points) count = sum([pt.positions.shape[0] for pt in self.points]) # stop subdividing if spacing is 1mm if count >= 20000 and self.spacing > 0.001 * scale: self._split(scale) self.dirty = True return # grid based insertion ( remainder_xyz, remainder_rgb, remainder_extra_fields, needs_balance, ) = self.grid.insert( self.aabb[0], self.inv_aabb_size, points.positions, points.colors, points.extra_fields, ) if needs_balance: self.grid.balance(self.aabb_size, self.aabb[0], self.inv_aabb_size) self.dirty = True self.dirty = self.dirty or (len(remainder_xyz) != len(points.positions)) if len(remainder_xyz) > 0: self.pending_points.append( Points( positions=remainder_xyz, colors=remainder_rgb, extra_fields=remainder_extra_fields, ) )
[docs] def needs_balance(self) -> bool: if self.children is not None: return self.grid.needs_balance() return False
[docs] def flush_pending_points(self, catalog: NodeCatalog, scale: float) -> None: for name, pt in self._get_pending_points(): catalog.get_node(name).insert(scale, pt) self.pending_points = []
[docs] def dump_pending_points(self) -> list[tuple[bytes, bytes, int]]: result = [] for name, pt in self._get_pending_points(): points_dict = { "xyz": pt.positions, "rgb": pt.colors, "extra_fields": pt.extra_fields, } result.append((name, pickle.dumps(points_dict), len(pt.positions))) self.pending_points = [] return result
[docs] def get_pending_points_count(self) -> int: return sum([pt.positions.shape[0] for pt in self.pending_points])
def _get_pending_points( self, ) -> Iterator[tuple[bytes, Points]]: if not self.pending_points: return pending_xyz_arr = np.concatenate([pt.positions for pt in self.pending_points]) if self.include_rgb: pending_rgb_arr = np.concatenate([pt.colors for pt in self.pending_points]) pending_extra_fields: dict[str, npt.NDArray[Any]] = {} for pt in self.pending_points: for field, arr in pt.extra_fields.items(): if pending_extra_fields.get(field) is None: pending_extra_fields[field] = arr else: pending_extra_fields[field] = np.append( pending_extra_fields[field], arr, axis=0 ) t = aabb_size_to_subdivision_type(self.aabb_size) if t == SubdivisionType.QUADTREE: indices = xyz_to_child_index( pending_xyz_arr, np.array( [self.aabb_center[0], self.aabb_center[1], self.aabb[1][2]], dtype=np.float32, ), ) else: indices = xyz_to_child_index(pending_xyz_arr, self.aabb_center) # unique children list childs = np.unique(indices) # make sure all children nodes exist for child in childs: name = "{}{}".format("ascii"), child).encode("ascii") # create missing nodes, only for remembering they exist. # We don't want to serialize them # probably not needed... if self.children is not None and name not in self.children: self.children += [name] self.dirty = True # print('Added node {}'.format(name)) mask = np.where(indices - child == 0) xyz = pending_xyz_arr[mask] if len(xyz) > 0: extra_fields = {} for f, arr in pending_extra_fields.items(): extra_fields[f] = arr[mask] yield name, Points( positions=xyz, colors=pending_rgb_arr[mask] if self.include_rgb else None, extra_fields=extra_fields, ) def _split(self, scale: float) -> None: self.children = [] for pt in self.points: self.insert(scale, pt) self.points = []
[docs] def get_point_count( self, node_catalog: NodeCatalog, max_depth: int, depth: int = 0 ) -> int: if self.children is None: return sum([pt.positions.shape[0] for pt in self.points]) else: count = self.grid.get_point_count() if depth < max_depth: for n in self.children: count += node_catalog.get_node(n).get_point_count( node_catalog, max_depth, depth + 1 ) return count
[docs] def get_points(self) -> Points | None: if self.children is None: if len(self.points) == 0: return None xyz = np.concatenate(tuple([pt.positions for pt in self.points])) if self.points[0].colors is not None: # the "or []" is just to make mypy happy. Normally it shouldn't be None here rgb: npt.NDArray[np.uint8 | np.uint16] | None = np.concatenate( tuple([pt.colors or [] for pt in self.points]) ) else: rgb = None extra_fields = {} for f in self.extra_fields: extra_fields[] = np.concatenate( tuple([pt.extra_fields[] for pt in self.points]) ) return Points(positions=xyz, colors=rgb, extra_fields=extra_fields) else: return self.grid.get_points()
[docs] def get_child_names(self) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: for number_child in range(8): yield f"{'ascii')}{number_child}".encode("ascii")
[docs] def to_tileset( self, folder: Path, scale: npt.NDArray[np.float32], parent_node: Node | None = None, depth: int = 0, pool_executor: ProcessPoolExecutor | None = None, ) -> Tile | None: # create child tileset parts # if their size is below of 100 points, they will be merged in this node. children_tileset_parts: list[Tile] = [] parameter_to_compute: list[ tuple[Node, Path, npt.NDArray[np.float32], Node, int] ] = [] for child_name in self.get_child_names(): child_node = Node.create_child_node_from_parent( child_name, self.aabb, self.spacing, self.include_rgb, self.extra_fields ) child_pnts_path = node_name_to_path(folder, child_name, ".pnts") if child_pnts_path.exists(): # multi thread is only allowed on nodes where there are no prune # a simple rule is: only is there is not a parent node if pool_executor and parent_node is None: parameter_to_compute.append( (child_node, folder, scale, self, depth + 1) ) else: children_tileset_part = child_node.to_tileset( folder, scale, self, depth + 1 ) if ( children_tileset_part is not None ): # return None if the child has been merged children_tileset_parts.append(children_tileset_part) if pool_executor and parent_node is None: children_tileset_parts = [ t for t in, parameter_to_compute) if t is not None ] pnts_path = node_name_to_path(folder,, ".pnts") tile_content = read_binary_tile_content(pnts_path) fth = tile_content.body.feature_table.header xyz = tile_content.body.feature_table.body.position.reshape((-1, 3)) # check if this node should be merged in the parent. prune = False # prune only if the node is a leaf # If this child is small enough, merge in the current tile if parent_node is not None and depth > 1 and fth.points_length < 100: parent_pnts_path = node_name_to_path(folder,, ".pnts") parent_tile = read_binary_tile_content(parent_pnts_path) parent_fth = parent_tile.body.feature_table.header parent_xyz = parent_tile.body.feature_table.body.position.reshape( (parent_fth.points_length, 3) ) if ( parent_fth.colors != SemanticPoint.NONE and parent_tile.body.feature_table.body.color is not None ): parent_rgb = parent_tile.body.feature_table.body.color.reshape((-1, 3)) else: parent_rgb = None parent_extra_fields = {} for field in parent_extra_fields[ field ] = parent_tile.body.batch_table.get_binary_property(field) # update aabb based on real values parent_bounding_volume = BoundingVolumeBox.from_points(parent_xyz) parent_xyz = np.concatenate((parent_xyz, xyz)) if fth.colors != SemanticPoint.NONE: if tile_content.body.feature_table.body.color is None: raise TilerException( "If the parent has color data, the children must also have color data." ) parent_rgb = np.concatenate( ( parent_rgb, tile_content.body.feature_table.body.color.reshape((-1, 3)), ) ) for field in parent_extra_fields[field] = np.concatenate( ( parent_extra_fields[field], tile_content.body.batch_table.get_binary_property(field), ) ) # update aabb xyz_float = xyz.view(np.float32) new_bounding_volume_box = BoundingVolumeBox.from_points(xyz_float) parent_bounding_volume.add(new_bounding_volume_box) parent_pnts_path.unlink() points_to_pnts_file( folder,, Points( positions=parent_xyz, colors=parent_rgb, extra_fields=parent_extra_fields, ), ) pnts_path.unlink() prune = True content_uri = None if not prune: content_uri = pnts_path.relative_to(folder) xyz_float = xyz.view(np.float32) # update aabb based on real values bounding_box = BoundingVolumeBox.from_points(xyz_float) else: # if it is a leaf that should be pruned if not children_tileset_parts: return None # recompute the aabb in function of children bounding_box = BoundingVolumeBox() for child_tileset_part in children_tileset_parts: if child_tileset_part.bounding_volume is not None: bounding_box.add(child_tileset_part.bounding_volume) if bounding_box is None: raise TilerException("bounding_box shouldn't be None") tile: Tile = Tile( geometric_error=10 * self.spacing / scale[0], bounding_volume=bounding_box ) if content_uri is not None: tile.content_uri = content_uri if children_tileset_parts: tile.children = children_tileset_parts else: tile.geometric_error = 0.0 if ( len( > 0 and children_tileset_parts and len(json.dumps(tile.to_dict())) > 100000 ): tile = split_tileset(tile,, folder) return tile
[docs] def split_tileset(tile: Tile, split_name: str, folder: Path) -> Tile: tile.set_refine_mode("ADD") tileset = TileSet(geometric_error=tile.geometric_error) tileset.root_tile = copy.deepcopy(tile) tileset_name = Path(f"tileset.{split_name}.json") tileset.write_as_json(folder / tileset_name) tile.content_uri = tileset_name tile.children = [] return tile